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What is a Rotary Airlock ?

A rotary airlock (also known as a rotary feeder or rotry valve)consists of a housing, a rotor and shaftassenbly,two end plates,seals and berings,a motor and drive assembly.The assembled rotary airlock acts as a rotating paddle wheel inside the housing,moving the dry bulk solid from the top of the rotation(inlet) to the bottom of the rotation(discharge).

An airlock loterally acts as an air lock between its IN and OUT ports,impeding the flow of air through its vanes and pockets,while moving material in a continuous rotaing motion.

Airlocks play an inportant role in material conveying and processing system. An improperly applied airlock can lead to poor efficiency,extra maintenance and operator manpower,product degradation,equipment wear and replacement,and lost production due to process shutdowns.The annual cost of any of these prombles can easily exceed the cost of the equipment.

1-Motoreducer;2,13-Bearing gland;3,12-Bearing;4,6,9,11-sealings;5,10-End plates;7-Housing 8-Rotor

Calculating your correct valve size:
Volue(L)*Rotor speed(RPM)*60*Bulk density(T/M3)*filing(%) Capacity(T/H)=---------------------------------------------------------- 1000

power and energy



feed processing

food processing



mining and minerals

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